This comparison is based on
the recommendations of the First Discussion Paper produced by the
Empowered committee of states finance ministers (hereafter referred as
EC) and the Report of the Task Force on GST constituted by the
Thirteenth Finance commission.
Before going on discussion we
should define GST and the Objective behind it.
What is
GST is a tax on goods and
services with comprehensive and continuous chain of set-off benefits
from the Producer’s point and Service provider’s point upto the retailer
level. It is essentially a tax only on value addition at each stage and
a supplier at each stage is permitted to set-off through a tax credit
Under GST structure, all different stages of production and distribution can be interpreted as a mere tax pass through and the tax essentially sticks on final consumption within the taxing jurisdiction.
Under GST structure, all different stages of production and distribution can be interpreted as a mere tax pass through and the tax essentially sticks on final consumption within the taxing jurisdiction.
Objective behind GST
a) The incidence of tax only
falls on domestic consumption.
b) The efficiency and equity
of the system is optimized.
c) There should be no export
of taxes across taxing jurisdictions.
d) The Indian market should be
integrated into a single common market.
e) It enhances the cause of
co-operative federalism.
Our comparative discussion
will be based only on significant points constructing overall
A dual structure has been
recommended by the EC. The two components are: Central GST (CGST) to be
imposed by the center and state GST (SGST) by the states.
The Task Force has also
recommended for the dual levy imposed concurrently by the centre and the
states, but independently to promote co-operative federalism. Both the
CGST and SGST should be levied on a common and identical base.
Both have suggested for
consumption type GST, that is, there should be no distinction between
raw materials and capital goods in allowing input tax credit. The tax
base should comprehensively extend over all goods and services upto
final consumption point.
Also both are of the view that
the GST should be structured on the destination principle. According to
Task Force this will result in the shift from production to consumption
whereby imports will be liable to both CGST and SGST and exports should
be relieved of the burden of goods and services tax by zero rating.
Consequently, revenues will accrue to the state in which the consumption
takes place or is deemed to take place.
The Task Force on GST said the
computation of CGST and SGST liability should be based on the Invoice
credit method. i.e., allow credit for tax paid on all intermediate goods
and services on the basis of invoices issued by the supplier. As a
result, all different stages of production and distribution can be
interpreted as a mere tax pass-through and the tax will effectively
‘stick’ on final consumption within the taxing jurisdiction. This will
facilitate elimination of the cascading effect at various stages of
production and distribution.
Treatment of Central GST
and State GST
Both the EC and the Task Force
on GST have recommended treating the Central GST and the State GST
separately. The CGST and SGST should be credited to the accounts of the
centre and the states separately. Taxes paid against the CGST should be
allowed to be taken as input tax credit (ITC) for the CGST and could be
utilized only against the payment of CGST. The same principle will be
applicable to the SGST. Cross utilization of ITC between CGST and the
SGST should not be allowed.
While the Task Force on GST
insisted that the full and immediate input credit should be allowed for
tax paid (both CGST and SGST) on all purchases of capital goods
(including GST on capital goods) in the year in which the capital goods
are acquired. Similarly, any kind of transfer of the capital goods at a
later stage should also attract GST liability like all other goods and
Exemption from GST
The EC favoured the imposition
of GST to be based on ‘negative list’ and for few exemptions if
necessary but didn’t provide any list of exemption. However, the Task
Force also said that there shouldn’t be any exemption from CGST and SGST
but if for some reason, it is considered necessary to provide
exemption, the centre and states should draw a common exemption which
should be restricted to the following:
a. All public services of
Government (Central, state and municipal/ panchayati raj) including
civil-administration, health services and formal education services
provided by Govt. schools and colleges, Defence, Para-military, Police,
Intelligence and Government Departments. Public services will not
include the following:
1) Railways;
2) Post and Telegraph;
3) Other commercial
4) Public sector Enterprises;
5) Banks and Insurance;
6) Health and Education
b) Any service transactions
between an employer and employee either as a service provider, recipient
or vice versa.
c) Any unprocessed food
article which is covered under the public distribution system should be
exempt regardless of the outlet through which it is sold;
d) Education services provided
by non-Governmental schools and colleges; and
e) Health services provided by
non-Governmental agencies.
Tax on SIN goods
(Emission fuels, tobacco products and alcohol)
According to EC alcoholic
beverages should be kept out of GST. Also crude oil, diesel, petrol and
ATF will not attract GST but the states will be free to levy taxes on
them. While Tobacco Products will be subjected to GST with input tax
credit (ITC).
The Task Force on GST has
recommended that the SIN-goods comprising of emission fuels, tobacco
products and alcohol should be subject to a dual levy of GST and excise.
No input credit should be allowed for excise. However, industrial fuels
should be subjected only to GST (both central and state) with the
benefit of input credit like any other intermediate good.
The EC has not clarified
anything about check-post whereas the Task Force on GST has come out
with something new in this area. According to it the function of all
state border check-posts should be reduced to checking contrabands by
setting up ‘Large scanners’ for trucks to pass through without any need
for physical verification. The cost of the scanners should be entirely
borne by the central government. All check-posts should be jointly
manned by both states so as to reduce the number of check-posts and
enhance efficiency in the road movement of goods.
Inter-State transactions
The EC has suggested for
adoption of ‘IGST Model’ for taxation of inter-State transaction of
Goods and Services. The scope of IGST Model is that centre would levy
IGST which would be CGST plus SGST on all inter-State transactions of
taxable goods and services with appropriate provision for consignment or
stock transfer of goods and services.The Task Force on GST is of the
view that all inter-State transactions in goods and services should be
effectively zero rated by adopting the Modified Bank Model. (We are not
going into the details here.)
Consignment Sales and
Branch transfers across States
The EC has not yet provided
any provision regarding the consignment sales and branch transfers
across States.
The Task Force on GST has said
that the consignment sales and branch transfers across States should be
subject to treatment in the same manner as if it was an inter-State
transaction in the nature of sale between two independent dealers.
Threshold Limit for
Goods and Services
The EC has recommended for
uniform threshold of annual gross turnover of Rs.10 lakh for all goods
and services for SGST applicable for all states and Union Territories
. Below this threshold limit, State GST is not applicable. The
threshold limit for central GST may be kept at Rs.1.5 crore for goods
and central GST may be kept at higher levels for services.
Keeping in view the compliance
cost and administrative feasibility, the Task Force on GST proposed
that the small dealers (including service providers) and manufacturers
should be exempted from the purview of both CGST and SGST, if their
annual turnover (excluding both CGST and SGST) does not exceed Rs.10
lakh. However, like in most other countries, those below the threshold
limit may be allowed to be registered voluntarily to facilitate sales to
other registered manufacturer/dealers, limit competitive distortions
and avoid inequalities. Further, the threshold exemption limit should be
uniform for both CGST and SGST and across states.
The EC is of the view that
composition / compounding scheme for the purpose of GST should have an
upper ceiling on gross annual turnover and a floor rate with respect to
gross annual turnover. In particular there would be a compounding
cut-off at Rs.50 lakh of gross annual turnover and a floor rate of 0.5%
across the states. The scheme would also allow option for GST
registration for dealers with turnover below the compounding cut-off.
The Task Force on GST with a
view to reduce administrative and compliance burden, suggested that
small dealers with annual aggregate turnover of goods and services
between 10 lakh to 40 lakh may be allowed to opt for a Compounded levy
of One percent, each towards CGST and SGST. However, no input credit
should be allowed against the compounded levy or purchases made from
exempt dealers.
GST on Precious Metals
A provision of special rate
for precious metals has been recommended by the EC. While the Task Force
on GST is of the view that certain high value goods comprising of gold,
silver, platinum ornaments, precious stones and bullions are prone to
smuggling due to high tax incidence thereby generating negative
externalities in terms of social and economic disorder. So, the Task
Force recommended that dealers in such high value items, may subject to
the threshold exemption but without the ceiling of Rs.40 lakh, also be
allowed to opt the compounded levy of one percent, each towards CGST and
Special Industrial Area
The EC has suggested that the
tax exemption, remission etc. related to industrial incentive should be
converted , if at all needed , into cash refund schemes after collection
of tax , so that GST Scheme on the basis of a continuous chain of
set-off is not disturbed. Regarding Special Industrial Area Schemes, it
is clarified that such exemptions, remissions etc. would continue upto
legitimate expiry time both for the centre and the states. Any new
exemption, remission etc. or continuation of earlier exemption,
remission etc. would not be allowed. In such cases, the central and the
state Governments could provide reimbursement after collecting
The Task Force on GST
recommended that in case it is considered necessary to provide support
to industry for balanced regional development, it would be appropriate
to provide direct investment linked cash subsidy, while the area based
exemption in respect of CENVAT should not be continued under the GST
Taxes to be subsumed
under GST
Both the EC and the Task Force
on GST have got same view regarding taxes to be subsumed under CGST
whereas they differ on
The following central taxes
should be subsumed in the
a) Central Excise Duty
(including Additional Excise Duty)
b) Service tax
c) Additional Customs Duty
(commonly referred as ‘CVD’)d) Surcharges and all
The following state taxes
should be subsumed in the
a) VAT / Sales tax (including
b) Entertainment tax (other
than levied by local bodies)
c) Entry tax no in lieu of
d) Other Taxes and Duties
(includes Luxury tax, Taxes on lottery, betting and gambling, and all
cesses and surcharges by states).
The Task Force has recommended
for the subsumation of following other taxes levied by the states on
goods and services:
a) Stamp duty
b) Taxes on vehicles
c) Taxes on Goods and
d) Taxes on duties on
It has also suggested that all
entry and Octroi duties levied by the third-tier government should be
GST Rate Structure
The EC has decided to adopt a
two rate structure- a lower rate for necessary items and goods of basic
importance and a standard rate for goods in general. There will be also a
special rate for precious metals and list of exempted items. They
haven’t prescribed the exact value of the SGST and CGST rates including
the rate for services.
The Task Force has provided a
clear rate structure for GST. According to it the rate of CGST and SGST
on all non-SIN goods and services should be fixed at a single positive
rate of 5% and 7% respectively. In addition, there should be a zero
rate, applicable to all goods and services exported out of the country.
The EC is of the view that
Exports would be zero-rated. Similar benefits may be given to Special
Economic Zone (SEZs). However, such benefits will only be allowed to the
processing zones of the SEZs. No benefit to the sales from an SEZ to
Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) will be allowed. However, similar is the view
of the Task Force on Exports but they are not in the favour of any
exemption for the developers of, or units in, the Special Economic Zone.
Tax Administration
According to the EC the
administration of GST shall be divided into states and centre with a
proposition to have uniform compliance procedures across states under
the respective laws.
The Task Force on GST has
produced a clear cut picture regarding tax administration.
The CBEC shall be responsible
for implementing the CGST and the state tax administrations will be
separately responsible for implementing the SGST. The various tax
administrative functions such as assessment, enforcement, scrutiny, and
audit should be undertaken by the CBEC in respect of CGST and by the
state tax administration in respect of the SGST, subject to
recommendation on Small Scale Industries.
All compliance and enforcement
procedures under CGST and SGST should be uniform (from taxpayer
The central government should
establish a common IT infrastructure which will serve the needs of both
CGST and
The jurisdiction between the
CBEC and the state administration may be divided between the two in such
manner that the interface of the taxpayer is confined to one tax
administration only. The basis of division could be turnover or any
other criteria which is considered reasonable so that the compliance and
administrative burden is minimized.
All persons with annual
aggregate turnover of goods and services exceeding Rs.10 lakh (excluding
CGST and SGST) should be required to register and obtain a GST
registration number. Person with lower turnover may be allowed an option
to register.
The unit of taxation for the
purpose of GST should be persons as defined under the Income Tax ACT.
For the purpose of CGST, all
production units/ branches of a person located anywhere in the country
will be treated as a single taxable entity eligible for CGST input
credit across units /branches. Whereas, for the purpose of SGST ,all
production units / branches of a person located anywhere within the
state will be treated as a single taxable entity eligible for SGST input
credit across units/ branches in that state.
Also the Task Force has
suggested that the payment of tax and the transaction reporting should
be made through a combined payment and transaction reporting statement
in Form no. GST-1. This statement should detail all business to business
transactions relating to sales. This statement should be common for
both CGST and SGST compliance and it should be mandatory to file this
statement electronically on a monthly basis while making payment of
taxes. The VAT period should be a calendar month.
We have provided you a cursory
view on different issues related to GST without going into the details
of them. We will try to give you detailed discussions in our further
updated papers on
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